Summerset/FairFax Apartments (OSHKOSH)
3700 - 3768 Summerset Way 10/20/30 Snell Road Oshkosh,WI 54901 Click address above for map.Phone: 920-312-1709 (Geri) Fax: 920-232-4911 Description: 1 and 2 bedroom deluxe apartments located on the northside of town, east of Jackson (Hwy. 76) on Snell & Summerset Rds., 15 minutes from Appleton. Overlooks the County Park. Easy Access to Hwy. 41.
- Apartments shown by appointment
- Most apartments come with garage, all have assigned parking
- All apartments come with dining area, spacious closets and ceiling fans
- Bathrooms have combined shower/tub
- Winnebago Park within walking distance
- Schools are elementary/ Oaklawn, Middle/Merrill, H.S. Oshkosh North
- We Pay Heat & Water
- Garage (Summerset Only)
- Patio and Balconies off living room
- Storage
- Dishwasher
- A/C
- Window treatments
- Limited access
- On-site laundry facilities
Availability & Pricing: Rents for 1 bedroom are $650 - $755 2 bedrooms from $695 - $850. All have one bathroom.
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